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Kigles Commands 

Here is our Commands:
Important commands:

!help to see command categories 

!h-<category> to view commands 

!credits - Shows the credits of the bot! 

!support - Get the invite link to the Support Server for Kigles and an bot invite link!


!ban - bans the mentioned user with a reason 

!kick - kicks the user with an reason (colour changes for the embeded each time!)

!unmute - unmutes the mentioned user!

anti-invite feature thats always active (Should ignore users with a higher role priv)

!mute - mutes the mentioned user! (there isnt a timer so you will have to manually unmute them!)

!cs - Clears all swears that are inside the chat!

!warn - warns the mentioned user and also Dms them why too!

!checkW - Displays the ammount of warns the mentioned user has

!cleanW - Cleans the mentioned users warns


!clearall - Clears the last 100 messages. (Changed due to api rules)

!createticket - Allows the user to open a ticket (has an cooldown of 30seconds Not globaly.) 

!closeticket - Allows Admins to close tickets.

!serinf - Get the server information, Roles, commands, channels and members.

!clear - like !nuke but you can choose the amount if messages to clear.

!uptime - Get the uptime of Kigles.

!ping - Get the ping of the bot in mill secs.

!memberscount - Get a count of the current number of Users (Names not included.)


!buy <item_name> - buys the item from the shop.

!shop - Displays Store Items currently Avalible.

!hunt - Hunts for Rabbit, Lion, Tiger, Deer, Bear, Skunk or Fox.

!fish - allows you to fix for cash.

!catches - Displays what you can sell/caught when hunting. 

!search - Allows you ti search for coins.

!bal - Display Your balanace. 

!inv - Shows the items in your inventory 

!pay - Give another User your money.

!work - Allows you to work for a random amount of cash at a random Job. 

!with - Withdraw some cash from your bank.

!heist - steal a bank for some random amount of money. 

!fish - Go fishing with a fishing rod

!fight - Bet an amount of cash and have a fight 

!hp - Shows Your HP

!heal - Heals Your HP


!daily - Gives you money every day.

!weekly - Gives you money every week.

!monthly - Gives you some money every month 


hi - say hi to Kigles and get an hi back!

!hru ask how Kigles is!

!piccat - Get an cat pic posted into the chat!

!8ball - Ask the ball a question and it shall answer!

!ppsize - Let the Bot measure your pp and publicly shame you..

!supreme maker - make an supreme image with your own text!

!suscan - Scan how sus you or another person is..

!emojisteal - Steal emojis from other servers and add them to your own, works for animated nitro ones!

!trump - Make Trump Tweet something on Twitter!

!emojisay - Makes an Emoji Say something 

!hug - Hug another Person!

!anime - Sends an Random Embedded Gif!

About: Commands
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